During the holidays over Christmas I was traveling with Jaime and Hide for 4 weeks! 3 weeks in Mexico and one week in Cuba. On December 16th, me and Jaime packed our backbags and headed to Juarez to take our first bus of so many. We met Hide later on the way. The idea was to travel mainly by bus and stay few days in each city we would reach. So, our first goal was Puerto Penasco, a city on the west coast of Mexico in the north... Well... everything didn't really start smoothly... During our bus trip (that was btw something like 12 hours) we got to an immigration check point. An officer came to the bus and asked everybody's ids. I showed my passport and he was taking a look at it a looong time. He asked me where I was going and I said that around Mexico for the holidays. Well, he gave me back my passport and it was fine. Or was it.. It was something like 2 in the morning and Jaime has decided to sleep on the bus floor with his sleeping back. He came in the front to get his passport...soon he came back again and said that the officer had said that we have to take our stuff and go with him! I was like what the fuck!! So, there we were in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night, freezing to death, and had no clue what was going on, and the bus left... Well, we ended up in a border patrol office and were told that we should for some reason have a visa.. we thought that we would have to pay him something or he would take us back to US. We ended up paying something like 20 dollars, got our visas, and were taken to another bus. So it ended up ok, although the impression of the trip wasn't so good in the beginning.
Finally we got to Puerto Penasco, stayed there for few hours and took another bus to Hermosillo, the capital of the state of Sonora. We were staying in a cheap hostel, had some hot dogs from the street, and went to the zoo. I saw for the first time of my life a giraffe! It was cool! :D
Finally we got to Puerto Penasco, stayed there for few hours and took another bus to Hermosillo, the capital of the state of Sonora. We were staying in a cheap hostel, had some hot dogs from the street, and went to the zoo. I saw for the first time of my life a giraffe! It was cool! :D
After Hermosillo we took a bus to Bahia de Kino, a beach resort quite close to Hermosillo. The place had amazingly beautiful beach. Although it was crowded by American tourists with their fancy beach houses. There was also a small village with locals. We were staying over night at some woman's place who rented rooms. It was really nice because she gave us many good tips! Next day we wanted to visit an island near by and decided to ask some local fishermen to take us there. Eventually we ended up hiring one the fishermen to take us to the island. It was really nice day, warm and sunny, and most of all with amazing view!
From Bahia de Kino we went to a place called Guaymas, a small town in about 5 hours away from Hermosillo. It was not touristic at all, although we did find a tourist information. Jaime decided to introduce himself as a Creek so that the people would speak English to us :D hhahaha It was quite funny.. From Guaymas we went for one day to San Carlos, another beach resort. It was about one hour away from Guaymas. Another resort concorred by the Americans.. In San Carlos we run into an American guy called George. He was sort of a funny guy. Well, he wanted to take us to a tour and took us to his truck and drove around. We got to really nice spots. He thought that we are both from Spain, and the fact that we spoke English to each other didn't raise any suspisions in him :P heheh! Yeah, we'll always remember Georgie from Iowa :P
Next we went to Los Mochis. The plan was to take the only train in Mexico, to Chihuahua. First we took a look at the city a bit and went also to Topolobampo, quite close to Los Mochis. Another beach place... well, we had a nice nap in the beach and afterwards we were watching a Christmas parade there. People were driving with their boats that were full of Cristmas decoration. It was quite cool :) After we came back to Los Mochis to take the train next morning. Well, we didn't want to pay for housing so we decided to sleep in the train station. We weren't the only ones since there we quite many other people too. In the morning we took a second class train, got some student discount and felt quite happy about the trip.
The best part of the train trip was the amazing view! The tracks went through huge canyons. People were taking pictures from the windows and as a proper "Japanese' I also did my share :D Well, the minus point was that the trip took 18 hours.... you can imagine how boring it was in the end to sit there... it was already dark and we couldn't enjoy the view anymore...
The best part of the train trip was the amazing view! The tracks went through huge canyons. People were taking pictures from the windows and as a proper "Japanese' I also did my share :D Well, the minus point was that the trip took 18 hours.... you can imagine how boring it was in the end to sit there... it was already dark and we couldn't enjoy the view anymore...
We finally got to Chihuahua and were really tired and dirty from the trip. We checked into some cheap hostel. I felt really crapy the whole night, my stomach was hurting and I felt like throwing up all the time... Eventually I was so sick in Chihuahua that I spent the whole day in bed and I couldn't eat anything, do anything else but lay down. The worst part is that that day was Christmas eve... I don't think that I ever had so crapy Christmas, in a cheap hostel room and sick. Although Jaime was really nice and brought me some pudding and sprite to eat something. Eventually we ended up eating in Burger King and watching a film in that day. Well, Burger King junk food really didn't help my stomach ache, but at least it was something to remember.
In Chihuahua we visited eventually quite many museums and sights, since we were staying there 3 nights because I was sick.. One of the museums was the house of Panco Villa, a famous man in the history of Mexico, a guy who was fighting in the revolution. The house was really cool!
In Chihuahua we visited eventually quite many museums and sights, since we were staying there 3 nights because I was sick.. One of the museums was the house of Panco Villa, a famous man in the history of Mexico, a guy who was fighting in the revolution. The house was really cool!
Finally we left Chihuahua and had another looooong bus ride ahead, to Monterrey. I was feeling really shitty but we took the bus anyway...I think it was the worst bus ride I ever had! I was feeling really sick the whole way. In Monterrey we were staying at Cesar's "kingdom". Also we finally met Hide, who joined us for the rest of the time in Mexico. It was extremely nice to stay at Cesar's after traveling for two weeks and sleeping where ever, in the bus, in the station.. It felt like I got a touch of the civilization again :P heheheh
In Monterrey we saw many nice places. Obviously because we had a local to guide us :) We went for a walk by a river in the middle of the city. We saw some beautiful water falls and breath taking mountains. I have to say that Cesar was an excellent host :D The food was great and also the "program" was very nice! On top of all that his sister is a doctor and examined my stomach problems. I ended up taking medicine for 10 days and having sort of diet for my stomach to get better :P In the end it helped and I was fine again :) Although I couldn't drink coffee or eat chocolate for 10 days....... :/
In Monterrey we saw many nice places. Obviously because we had a local to guide us :) We went for a walk by a river in the middle of the city. We saw some beautiful water falls and breath taking mountains. I have to say that Cesar was an excellent host :D The food was great and also the "program" was very nice! On top of all that his sister is a doctor and examined my stomach problems. I ended up taking medicine for 10 days and having sort of diet for my stomach to get better :P In the end it helped and I was fine again :) Although I couldn't drink coffee or eat chocolate for 10 days....... :/
After enjoying Cesar's hospitality, getting some Christmas presents from his parents and tasting some excellent Mexican barbeque the three of us headed down to Mexico City. The insanely huge city with 20 million people. There were so god damn many people that we thought that we couldn't even walk there properly.
We were staying in a very strange place there. It was a hostel owned by Japanese people and also full of Japanese people. Jaime had stayed there in his previous trip and we decided to go again since we had a Japanese representative with us :D We stayed there two nights and I managed to freek out some Japanese girls because I woke up in the middle of the night screaming like hell because of my nightmare :P hehehe, I think they thought I was completely insane :D
Anyway, in Mexico City we visited a cathedral, a huge park and the Anthropology Museum which was really impressive. We also stayed there for the new year's eve. Eventually we were in a wrong place when the year changed but we found "the party" later on and it was full of people. In new year's eve we also went to Teotihuacan, an ancient mayan city close to Mexico City. It was really amazing place!! We climbed two pyramids up and were enjoying the perfectly warm weather there for the whole day :)
We were staying in a very strange place there. It was a hostel owned by Japanese people and also full of Japanese people. Jaime had stayed there in his previous trip and we decided to go again since we had a Japanese representative with us :D We stayed there two nights and I managed to freek out some Japanese girls because I woke up in the middle of the night screaming like hell because of my nightmare :P hehehe, I think they thought I was completely insane :D
Anyway, in Mexico City we visited a cathedral, a huge park and the Anthropology Museum which was really impressive. We also stayed there for the new year's eve. Eventually we were in a wrong place when the year changed but we found "the party" later on and it was full of people. In new year's eve we also went to Teotihuacan, an ancient mayan city close to Mexico City. It was really amazing place!! We climbed two pyramids up and were enjoying the perfectly warm weather there for the whole day :)
Our initial plan was to travel to Oaxaca from Mexico City but we figured out that we really didn't have time to do it. Instead we found some cheap flights and flew straight to Merida to meet Luis, another Mexican friend of ours. Surprisingly in Merida I was sick again.... this time I had fewer, and a lot! I was almost burning because my skin was so hot :P Anyway, the weather in Merida is always either hot or very hot. It's also very humid there so we were just wearing our shorts in the middle of January. That's when I thought that something might be wrong when I was really freezing during the night :D hahah!
Luis took us to a tour in the city and also to the beach. The weather was kind of crapy because it was raining and really windy. In the beach it felt like there was a hurricane. The wind was really strong, but at the same time it was very warm. We also went to Chitzen Itza, a mayan city as well. I had a bit of fewer there but it was really impressive. And by the way it's one of the wonders of the world!
Luis took us to a tour in the city and also to the beach. The weather was kind of crapy because it was raining and really windy. In the beach it felt like there was a hurricane. The wind was really strong, but at the same time it was very warm. We also went to Chitzen Itza, a mayan city as well. I had a bit of fewer there but it was really impressive. And by the way it's one of the wonders of the world!
After Merida we headed to Cancun, our last stop in Mexico. We only stayed there for one day but I think I really have to go there again! The beaches are amazing...white sand, green water, summer always...wow :)
From Cancun me and Jaime continued to Cuba. Hide stayed in Cancun and was going back to Merida and Monterrey later. Cuba was something completely different... First of all the plane that we took there was this Cubana Airlines...using ooold Russian planes. Let's say that I was a bit scared when I couldn't even lock my seat belt :P Well, we stayed alive so that's all that matters I guess :D
We were first staying in Havana. In Cuba it's common to stay in local's houses which they call "casas particulares". So, we were staying in one of those, in an old woman's place. She was really nice and gave us lots of good tips. In Havana we visited some museums, and were walking around a lot. The thing that you can really spot there are the old cars and the propaganda (literally) about revolution and propaganda against USA :P
In addition to all the propaganda Cuba has also reeeally nice beaches. From Havana we took a bus to Verdadero. It seemed like paradise. It was really hot day, in the middle of January! I was swimming and everything there. It was great! We just stayed in the beach the whole day chilling out :D
Next stop was Cienfuegos. If you don't want to take a bus it's also possible to take a "taxi" anywhere. There will be many people offering you to take you basically anywhere as long as the price is negotiated. We ended up going to Cienfuegos in one of these "taxis". We were staying in another casa particular and only for one day. It was nothing really special, we were just walking around. The funny part is that we had left some of our stuff to Havana to this old woman's place because we were going back there in the end of the week. Well, we had for some reason decided to leave our passports there too.. But we needed the passport numbers for the accommodation.. It was kind of a mess but eventually we could stay when I searched my mails to find my passport number.
Last city we visited was Trinidad, very small town with narrow streets. And amazingly many people trying to sell stuff to you. And of course it was full of tourists :P The strange thing about Cuba was that it was really difficult to buy food there. You basically couldn't find a supermarket, only some small kiosks where you can buy chips and cookies. So you can imagine what we were eating there for one week :P Well, of course we also ate in restaurants but still :D
In Trinidad we rented bikes and went biking to the beach to see the sunset. It was really beautiful! In the las day we went horse riding to a national park to see water falls. We hired some dude to take us there. It was really great :) I can't remember when i had been riding the last time :P My ass hurted soooo much afterwards..could barely sit in the plane to get back.
In Trinidad we rented bikes and went biking to the beach to see the sunset. It was really beautiful! In the las day we went horse riding to a national park to see water falls. We hired some dude to take us there. It was really great :) I can't remember when i had been riding the last time :P My ass hurted soooo much afterwards..could barely sit in the plane to get back.
Finally after 4 weeks of traveling, sleeping where ever, eating sometimes, walking like crazy, we returned to VDM. And it actually seemed really nice to be back home after so long time. Although the trip was indeed really great :D
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